Repeal Section 43 that allows for the physical punishment of children
First Call believes Section 43 of the Criminal Code of Canada should be repealed. Section 43, also known as the “spanking law,” permits the use of force for disciplining children by parents and persons standing in the place of parents.
First Call believes that Section 43 of the Criminal Code infringes on the civil and human rights of children. Children should have the same legal protections as adults from bodily harm. In addition, Call to Action #6 in The Report of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission Calls to Action calls for the repeal of Section 43 citing the violence perpetrated on indigenous children in residential schools by individuals who were protected by Section 43 of Canada’s criminal code.
Corrine’s Quest, a campaign that has worked for years to end physical punishment of children in Canada is providing template letter text for you to use when writing to elected officials. You can support this bill by visiting their website and writing to your MP today.
On April 10, 2023 First Call wrote to BC Senators urging them to support Bill S-251, put forward by Senator Stanley Kutcher, calling for the repeal of Section 43 of the Criminal Code. Section 43 allows adults to “use force by way of correction” against children.

On November 3, 2023 First Call wrote to the federal Minister of Justice Virani and all BC MPs urging them to support Bill C-273.
Thanks to partnership with BC Association of Social Workers, you can send a letter to your MP in support of C-273 here: